Sunday, August 10, 2008

Over The Rainbow / Beautiful World

On the homefront . . . my concerns about Dad's increasing pain levels in my post last night was not unfounded, and they were at a level he just was not able to cope with this morning. His doctor was called, and he came around 7.30 gave him a shot of morphine, and sent him straight to hospital. No idea of how long for as they need to keep an eye on him while they modify the pain management plan, but at least he can rest all day in hospital without feeling the guilt he feels when he does that at home.

On a lighter note, I discovered this clip today, quite by accident, and as I loved this blended version of these two exquisite songs the first time I heard it, I thought I may as well share it with everyone . . . Enjoy :)

1 comment:

becsta said...

Thanks for this clip, Uncle John, and the news... I watched it with the kids yesterday, and I bawled my eyes out, but then it was back to the grindstone, not much space to reflect. Anyway, thankyou... such beautiful music... Love you.