Saturday, September 13, 2008

Health Report

I have found the last few weeks to be quite tiring, but as it's been over a month since my last update (can hardly believe it!), I figure one is well overdue, and so I am forcing myself to get it done before I go to bed tonight. Dad's hospital admission (C/- the last update) only lasted two days, and included an increase in the strength of his pain patch, and a blood transfusion, which seemed to do the trick and get him well enough to come home.

It was not long after this that Mum began experiencing phantom pain in her right (amputated) leg, which was strange, because she has not had any since the amputation. Anyway, she quickly became very distressed with it, and was prescribed a new drug which, although it brought great relief, came with some fairly serious side effects that revealed themselves a few days later. Add to that the fact that she decided, without mentioning it to us, that she would stop taking some of her other daily medications because in her eyes she was taking too many, and she was in trouble.

Fluid on the lungs, needing oxygen, and into hospital on Tuesday 2nd September. She seemed quite stable in there with oxygen 24/7, and some more drugs to remove the fluid from her lungs, but we got a call 4.00 a.m. in the morning of Friday the 5th to say she had taken a turn for the worse. When we arrived, she was in a very serious condition, and they moved her into a private ward so family had an opportunity to say goodbyes. Phil, Shelly, & Harley came in as well, and, as any breath may have been her last, it was quite an emotional time. There were tears flowing freely by pretty well everyone at different times as we all took the opportunity to say the things we wanted to say to her while she was still here to hear them.

Mum seriously ill in hospital (click to enlarge)

Well, she survived that day . . . and the next . . . and gradually, little by little her strength has increased, and now, almost two weeks later, the colour has returned to her face, her appetite has returned, along with her ability to hold a utensil and feed herself, and it looks like she will get well enough to make it home some time in the not too distant future.

I don't know what the future holds, but do trust that things always turn out exactly as they are meant to, so despite feeling tired C/- spending lots of time at the hospital with Mum, as well as looking Dad, and everything at home, I am also experiencing peace with how this masterpiece is unfolding, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank all those who have sent/are sending their love our way during this time. It is soooooo appreciated :)


becsta said...

Thanks for the update, Mon - that photo of Ma made me feel really sad. I'm very glad to hear she's doing better. Selfishly, I want to visit when we get back, and hope all is well for a while longer... A friend sent me this movie link. I really enjoyed it, and it made me think of you... Love you heaps, Love Bec

Diana said...

Hey there! I'm sending you hugs even as I type!! Give your folks hugs for me too!! Know that you're in my thoughts as always and take good care of yourself too, my awesome friend.
Love ya! Di