Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Perfect Days

I have a few pics to share but I'll just say that on the home front, things are still pretty much the same as my last post, though Dad seems to be experiencing more and more pain every day, and he was talking today about seeing if they can up the strength of his patch again. Mum is "bagging" her foot with ozone from an ozone generator I bought for the purpose, and it seems to be going quite well. The ulcers on her left foot are definately healing, but she still struggles to manage the pain they are causing her.

On the positive side, we've had some more fun & family times since the last update. On another of those "perfect days" that we seem to have so many of up here, I took them to Gallows, which is a cheese and chocolate factory, and cafe/restaurant, where we have a very pleasant morning tea of coffee, scones, cream, and jam (all fresh of course).

Max & Val at Gallows (click to enlarge)

While we aere there, they bumped into some old friends from Babinda, Owen & Shirly Lewis, that they had not seen for many years, and there was definately some reminiscing going on there for awhile LOL! It made their day. Naturally, we left carrying a bag of delicious, and very expensive, hand-made chocolate . . . Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Max & Val with Owen & Shirly Lewis at Gallows (click to enlarge)

The next major event was Mum's 79th birthday on the 26th July, and we had a very enjoyable dinner at the Tolga Hotel, and I have to say it was the best fish I have ever tasted - fresh local barra . . . Mmmmmmmmmmmmm again. Thanks to my brother Phil for this pic

Max, Me, & Val at the Tolga Hotel for her 79th birthday

Also there to help celebrate was Shelly's Aunty Doris, who was over from WA staying with Alison for a month's holiday. A great night was had by all, and here are the two girls :)

Doris & Alison at the Tolga Hotel for Val's birthday

On the weekend after her birthday, on yet another of those "perfect days", I took Dad & Mum down to visit another of Dad's brothers, Kel, and his wife Bernice in Tully. As a bonus, his daughter (and my cousen, that I have not seen for many many years) Susan, and her daughter Kenzie Kate turned up as well, and it was great to catch up after all the time that had passed. Their yard is surrounded on two sides by a really beautiful creek, and the darker area to the right of Dad, Kel, Kenzie, & Susan in this pic is about 2 metres deep. What a fabulous place to cool off in on a hot summer's day.

Max, Kel, Kenzie, & Susan (click to enlarge)

Ok, almost there LOL! I have spoken with a few people about how amazing it is to still be swimming in an outdoor pool in the middle of winter, and I told them I'd post a pic of the pool, so here it is :) Bare in mind, it is heated to around 27 degrees all the time, so I feel very blessed. I am still swimming every two or three days, and I really enjoy the break that it is from my carer duties.

The Atherton swimming pool (click to enlarge)

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