Monday, July 14, 2008

Friends & Family

Things are going OK on the home front. Dad and I still wrestle (not literally, of course) with him wanting to do chores and me reminding him that his job is to try to do what he does in hospital (which is as little as possible) . . . at home because whenever he goes to hospital, he always seems to recover, and if he was comfortable doing nothing here, then he wouldn't need to go back again LOL! On some level I think he is happy to rest a lot, and he does a fair bit of the time, but he always has to battle an inherited idea that his worth depends on his ability to "pull his weight" around the place.

Mum has ulcers on her foot that are causing her grief, and on the recommendation of a few locals, one of whom has healed similar ulcers with it, we bought an ozone generator and began "bagging" her foot in ozone (a technique where the ozone is pumped into a bag wrapped around the foot) a few times a day. Unfortunately, she hated the smell, and even though the ulcers started getting smaller, decided it was not helping and the treatment was stopped. I'm really excited about it, and all the amazing things it can be used for (there's a link to a great website about it down the right hand side of the page), and I drink a couple of litres of ozonated water every day :) Mum's pain got worse, and her Doctor doubled the strength of her pain patch.

On a lighter note, they have lots of friends that pop in to see them regularly, and every now and then some friends visit that they have not seen for a long time. Charles and Elaine Mohring are one such couple, and they recently shared a very enjoyable lunch with us.

Charles & Elaine Mohring's Visit (click to enlarge)

We also have fairly regular family get-togethers as well, and the last one was a lunch at the Tolga Hotel. Shelly had taken her Mum, Alison, and her aunt Doris (over from W.A. for a few weeks) to Cairns for the day, so the party consisted of (below) Harley, Phil, Val, Max, Simon, and his lovely new girlfriend, Talia. And me of course, but I'm taking the pic LOL!

Lunch At The Tolga Hotel (click to enlarge)

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