Friday, December 23, 2011

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ! ! !

Merry Christmas (click to enlarge)

Well . . . somehow I have actually been able to get all my cards sent out as well as all the thank yous to people who sent cards and/or flowers when Mum left her body behind for the last time . . . but in case I happened to miss out on somebody . . . and you happen to have found your way here . . . then this "Merry Christmas" and "Thank You" is for you as well as everyone else. As you can see in the video (below), thanks to my wonderful friends Vic & Elizabeth who put me on to it, I have discovered the Jib Jab website, where you can create some pretty cool greeting card videos using faces from photos you upload to the website. This one still makes me smile and chuckle every time I watch it.

Yep thats us (Nick & Sarah, my two amazing children, and me) in that there video singing & playing "Rockin 'Round The Christmas Tree" LOL! This is our Chrissy card for you . . . and we hope it brings as big a smile to your face as it does to ours :) . . . and once again . . . Merry Christmas to you, and all your loved ones . . . and my 2012 be the year in which all your dreams come true!

Love & Blessings from John, Nick, & Sarah :)

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