Friday, December 23, 2011

Breakfast With The Beasts!

Hey guess what . . . I just turned 53, and to celebrate, my wonderful friend Sheryl invited me to share a "Breakfast With The Beasts" at the Cairns Wildlife Safari Reserve with her and her friend Helen. It was a fantastic way to spend several hours, even though it was pretty hot there . . . we started with a hearty breakfast and then proceeded to move around the reserve to where different animals were being fed every half hour or so, and the extremely knowledgeable staff at each feeding location generously shared a wealth of information about the animals as they fed them.

An Angry Lion (click to enlarge)

We noticed this rather angry lioness (above) just after breakfast, and could not work out why she was growing at us all so fearcely . . . until we saw a piece of meat our side of the electric fence just out of her reach reach LOL! She sure didn't want us to get that meat! Fortunately for her (and maybe us too LOL!), a very kind young guy eventually pushed it over to her under the electric fence with a stick, and she was one happy tabby after that :)

The video above was made during the lions feeding time. You will notice a few of them get too close to the electric fence at times and get a bit of a wake up call zap. It was amazing to be so close to them as they ate. Here we are (below, Sheryl in the centre) taking a break till it was time for the brown bears to eat.

Me, Sheryl, & Helen (click to enlarge)

In the video below, Sheryl gets up close and personal with the ginormous, but extremely gentle giant of the Reserve . . . the White Rhinocerous . . . all two and a half tons of him. It was pointed out to us that the wire barriers would not keep him in if he really want to escape (did you see Jurasic Park?? LOL!) . . . so we were strongly encouraged to move slowly and not make any loud noises while we all took turns to say hello to this guy as he was eating. Wowwwwww . . . what a great birthday pressy . . . thanks so much Sheryl! :)

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