Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Few Pics

As promised, having my camera with me all the time means there will be a lot more spontaneous pics to share here with you, but firstly, the usual health report . . . since the last update the blood transfusion Mum received actually resulted in a significant decrease in her angina attacks, but the reprieve only lasted a few days before she woke in the early hours of the morning (Monday 12th) with numbness & severe pain in her left leg. The doctor came immediately, gave gave her a shot of morphine, and called an ambulance to take her to hospital, where she has been ever since. She had a clot in her left leg below the knee, and because none of the doctors thought she would survive another amputation, or any sort of surgical procedure to remove it, she was put on an intravenous drip of Heparin (a blood thinner) to hopefully dissolve it without surgery.

And, thankfully, we have had some success. Circulation did begin to improve almost immediately with the Heparin, and after a couple of days they were able to detect a pulse on her foot again, and the pain had reduced considerably. When I saw her last night, she said they were thinking of sending her home this Thursday despite the fact that she still found putting weight on her foot (to get in and out of bed into the wheelchair, etc) quite difficult as it still felt numb, and that it was a bit painful as well, so I guess we just wait and see what unfolds. I did manage (despite significant resistance LOL!) to get a pic of her yesterday, and as you can see below, she is actually looking pretty well.

Mum in Hospital 2009.10.21 (click to enlarge)

Mum always loves it when Phil & Shellie's Jacaranda tree flowers, and because it is looking glorious in it's full bloom at the moment, I took the pic below to share it with her, 'cause we just don't know if she will get to see it in person this year.

Phil & Shellie Under The Jacaranda In Full Bloom (click to enlarge)

And while I was there, I had to take a pic of their new blinds. No doubt about the quality, which matches the price well LOL!, and with summer just around the corner, it will make a huge difference keeping the scorching afternoon sun off the verandah.

Phil Showing Off The New Blinds (click to enlarge)

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