Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another 80th Birthday Celebration

Yes, its was Mum's birthday on Sunday (born 26/07/1929), and seeing as it was definately an occasion for a camera, I have a few pics to share. But let me give a bit of a health update first. Mum is going OK. Not great . . . but OK. She has been battling with "a touch of" (doctor's words) the flu for the past few weeks, and so has not been eating that well, has been feeling weak and achey, and has been using more oxygen than usual. Apart from that, she still managed to get to play bridge last Thursday morning, so it's not been a particularly debilitating back-slide.

But before we get to the birthday, one visit definately worth mentioning was from all the Adler (pre-marriage) sisters on their yearly get-together. They all came for morning tea last Friday (24/07) and filled the unit with their warm & uplifting energy . . . and matching bags (made especially for their get-together by Sue). Mum enjoyed the visit enormously :)

Mum with (from left) Kathy, Sue, Patsy, Janet, & Liz (click to enlarge)

Then, of course, Sunday was Mum's birthday, and we had a lovely lunch at the International Club in Atherton to celebrate. Joining Mum & I were Phil, Shelly, Harley, Simon, Alison, and Alison's sister Doris, who was over for a few weeks from WA.

(From left) Me, Alison, Doris, Simon, Harley, Shelly, Phil, & the Birthday Girl (click to enlarge)

The food was great, the atmosphere pretty quiet & relaxing, and the cake was Mum's favourite . . . a black forest cake . . . but it was so big we gave a quarter of it to the kitchen staff before we left.

Mum with her cake (click to enlarge)

Something else worth sharing is that Mum actually bought herself a birthday present! Partly due to some unofficial advice from a Centrelink worker who pointed out that she was over some cut-off point but would get a full pension if she had a little less cash in the bank, and partly due to the fact that she had didn't really like the Barina (she says she always thought it was a bit "tinny", but I suspect that some of that attitude may be due to Dad buying it without consulting her). Whatever the reason, it was lovely for me to see her feeling deserving of a gift of this magnitude from herself, and I, too, feel blessed, because, as the chauffer, I was able to express a preference for, and get, the "5 on the floor" manual version of the latest Mitsubishi Lancer :)

Mum's new Mitsubishi Lancer (click to enlarge)

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