Monday, June 1, 2009

A Happy Reunion

As usual, the lack of news in the form of Blog updates, has meant good news, but there are a few things to share with everyone. We did have a bit of a scare the week before last, with Mum getting a terrible pain in her stomach at midnight on Wednesday night (20th May). Hotpacks didn't help, and she was unable to get back to sleep. Bruce Herriot (her Doctor) was called around 6.30 a.m. and he gave her a shot of pethadene so she could relax and sleep, and she had blood tests done. Bruce called in several times that day and by the time the blood test results had given her the all-clear from anything serious in the late afternoon, the pain had started to move down, suggesting it was a blockage in her digestive system. An enema got things going again, followed by a laxative Thursday night, and she was back to full steam again on Friday :)

So, apart form that one day, she has been going from strength to strength. She has started playing bridge again on a Thursday when needed, and has just come through a very busy few days of catching up with old friends and new, culminating in a Herberton High School Reunion at George & Lorna Jackson's place.

Mum with Audry, John, Ailsa, & Moira's visit (click to enlarge)

We had her friends (above), who had come up for the above-mentioned Reunion as well as the Yungaburra Primary School Reunion (which Mum chose not to go to), Audry & John Dickie, Ailsa Scurr, and Moira Martin for lunch last Monday (25th), then lunch out with them again (minus John, who was not well) at the Tolga hotel on Wednesday (27th). The very next day after that we had more of Mum's friends, Neville and Sue See, for lunch, and then on Saturday just gone (30th), we went to a baby shower for some friends of mine, Andre & Nina. Yep, I was suprised Mum came with me to that, even though she had met them and they had invited her, and she was not the oldest person there as she had feared anyway. She said she enjoyed the afternoon, but only stayed for an hour and a half :)

Then on Sunday (whew, see what I mean about a busy time LOL!), she had the best time of the lot at the Herberton High School Reunion (below). It was at George & Lorna Jackson's place and she and all the olther old school chums seemed to have a wonderful time catching up with all the latest news.

Herberton High School Reunion 2009 (click to enlarge)

And just to finish off the day, I showed Mum the video below (that several people have sent me the link to) which resulted in tears rolling down her face, and her exclaiming that it was the joy coming out. I had some joy coming out myself LOL! It definately is a feel good video, and It would have been amazing to have been there at the time . . . enjoy!

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