Saturday, January 24, 2009

Celebrating Dad

It was wonderful to see the Atherton Uniting Church filled to overflowing last Monday (19th January) as we celebrated Max's life and said goodbye (to his physical form, anyway). Leo Newell, the minister of the church, had helped us create the program, and conducted it beautifully. Songs were sung, prayers were prayed, and many of the ways that Dad had touched people's lives were shared by family and friends. We even screened a powerpoint presentation * of snapshots of his life with him singing The Stars * as the soundtrack. My brother Phil created that, and he even wrote the song, too! Dad's three sons (Pete, Phil, and I), and three of his grandsons (Simon, Nick, and Harley) were very honoured pallbearers.

(* Please note . . . if you want to run the powerpoint presentation along with The Stars soundtrack, you will need to download both files [links above] and place them in the same folder before running it.)

When I got up to say my bit, as well as reading out some words that Dad's brother Geoff had sent, I also read out a poem that I had written for the occasion called "Celebrating Dad". It evoked many feelings in myself and others on the day and I would like to include it in this update as a tribute to him . . .


Hi there Dad. I know you’re here. So “Au Revoir”, I say
‘cause I know I’ll see you again; you’re just a breath away
We’ve all come here to pay respect, and celebrate your life
Your kids, and grandkids, siblings, friends, and your beloved wife

Val with Pete, Phil, & Mon (click to enlarge)

You really touched so many lives while you walked on this earth
And I know I am one of those that celebrate your birth
They say nobody’s perfect, Dad, but I have come to see
You’ve always only ever been the perfect Dad for me

Me with Dad in hospital (click to enlarge)

Providing for your family was a goal you set to do
And all we ever wanted more of was some time with you
I am so proud to be your son, and grateful, through and through
You helped me learn so many things as I grew up with you

Pete, Phil, & I at the Boulders as kids (click to enlarge)

How to kick a football, how to bat and bowl
How to drive a nail in, and how to dig a hole
How to ski behind a boat, and how to sail one too
All these things and so much more, I learned because of you

Dad on our sailfish (click to enlarge)

But you know what Dad the greatest gift that you bestowed on me
Was a drive to seek and find the truth, and to always be
An instrument of love and peace to everyone you knew
So thanks dear Dad, may all that love and peace now be with you

Max in December, 2008 (click to enlarge)

In conclusion, I thought it'd be good to let you know that Mum is going amazingly well. As you can imagine, she is missing Dad heaps, but she is able to express her sadness pretty well as it arises. We have spoken a lot about the grieving process, something I have learned a great deal about on my journey to date, and she seems to be willing and able to embrace it, as uncomfortable as it is. She had blood tests done on Wednesday, and her doctor came and saw her yesterday (Thursday 23rd) with the results. She passed everything with flying colours! And because her foot is healed of its ulcers, and she is no longer in any pain, he dropped her pain patch down one level to the lowest level there is. So . . . all the love you have been sending has definately been working :) It is soooooo appreciated . . . thank you soooooo much :)

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