Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Cupla Things . . .

I have several things to mention in this update, so I'll be as brief as possible. The first is say that since the last update, Dad had a fall, and was rushed to hospital, but is now back home and doing pretty well. He is on medication to steady his heartbeat, and is now on a morphine patch to deal with the pain he is in most of the time. Mum is still battling a sinus/chest infection, but her coughing seems to be getting less and less every day.

Max & Val (click to enlarge)

Secondly, after serving them well for the last 22 years, the old TV set has finally been upgraded. I admit I advocated enthusiastically for this, as did my brother Phil who lives up here, because when the TV is a source for so much of their enjoyment C/- Andre Rieu DVDs and the like, then it makes perfect sense to ensure it did that job really well. Well, the new TV does that brilliantly, and they are both amazed at the quality of the picture and sound it provides. I can even plug my laptop into it and use it as a second (and very large) monitor :)

The New TV (click to enlarge)

Thirdly, a few Victorian friends have asked where "Mon" came from, and if I did, in fact, like the nickname. Well, all my family, and most of my old friends in Queensland still call me Mon, and it goes way back to before I can remember. I'm told I chose the name for myself as a kid, and as I actually like the name, I will happily answer to Mon or John. The choice is yours LOL!

Fourthly, The Moses Code screening I co-hosted (with Sonia, manager of Mystic Body Mind Soul) here in Atherton went really well with 32 coming to watch the movie, and 30 of them staying for the peace in the Middle East meditation/vigil that was held after it. The screenings and meditations were synchronised all over the world on the same day, and it felt soooooo good to be a part of such a heart-filled activity. Oh, and if you're interested, there'e a link to the trailer of the movie down the right hand side of this page :)

The Moses Code DVD Cover (click to enlarge)              The Moses Code Poster (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

Peter Ackland said...

Hi Mon, Another very impressive post, keeping us up to date. About Moses Code: It was a documentary. Not a movie! The three Hebrew words making up "I am that I am" can also be translated "I am who I am" and even "I will be who/that I will be". That is because the two identical Hebrew verbs convey incomplete action (i.e. continuing, never to be completed, or yet to be completed). The Hebrew writer does not think in past, present and future with verbs. It's a different time orientated culture. All our love, Peter