Dad seems to have worked out his pain management program, and its now been a week since his last downturn, which is great. But he is using the lift to get up the stairs most of the time now, and he is definately not putting on any weight, no matter how hard I try to "fatten him up" LOL!
. . . a work in progress, joyously unfolding, & continuously expanding . . .
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's Raining Roses
Back on the home front, things seem to be going pretty well, health-wise, for all of us here. Mum's cough is just about gone altogether, and she was tickled pink last week when I took her to Yungaburra to get her hair done, because, when we stopped at the rose farm as we usually do on the way home, the lovely lady there suprised her with an additional dozen long-stemmed red roses (on top of the amazing value $7 mixed bunch) just out of the blue . . . and let me tell you, the fragrance from these was exquisite and filled the lounge room for days. Hows that for a nice gift, and it really made Mum's day.

Dad seems to have worked out his pain management program, and its now been a week since his last downturn, which is great. But he is using the lift to get up the stairs most of the time now, and he is definately not putting on any weight, no matter how hard I try to "fatten him up" LOL!
Dad seems to have worked out his pain management program, and its now been a week since his last downturn, which is great. But he is using the lift to get up the stairs most of the time now, and he is definately not putting on any weight, no matter how hard I try to "fatten him up" LOL!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Truth
Many thanks to my friend Pam in Victoria, for this simple, yet wonderful video (yep, another one). It's very different from the last two, and it starts off sounding a bit negative . . . but give it a chance . . . it'll turn you upside down and stroke your soul :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I'm There Too :)
I'm really on a roll with these videos LOL! "We Are One" (my last Blog) reminded me of another one by Michelle Featherstone that I really loved when I first heard it (as a bonus feature on the DVD of the movie Peaceful Warrier), and I found it online too. Beautiful!!! Consider this . . . if WE really ARE ONE, then . . .
. . . this song is for YOU :)
. . . this song is for YOU :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
We Are One!
I found this video by Kelly Sweet accidentally, and its so "me" that I just had to put it up here LOL! Enjoy :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Cupla Videos . . .
But first, an update on the home front. Dad had a pretty rough couple of days last weekend, becoming really short of breath on Saturday, and needing oxygen to relax enough to sleep that night. He was also very unsteady on his feet with little energy and strength, actually needing help to get out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the loo. On Sunday, he stopped taking the medication that's meant to stabilize his heartbeat (because it affected him the same way last time he went on them), and has been progressively improving in energy and strength ever since.
Mum's cough has just about gone now, and her Doctor told her today that the blood test she had yesterday indicated that she was going really well, and the blood tranfsusion, that he had thought she might have to have, is simply not needed at the moment. That was great news!
Me . . . well . . . I'm goin pretty well. I'm still able to take time out of the continuous 7 days a week schedule to nurture myself, and I get enough time to answer emails and update this Blog from time to time. I am now swimming three days a week in the local pool while Dad & Mum have their afternoon nap, and have made several new friends through a fortnightly DVD night and the recent co-hosting of "The Moses Code", held at Mystic Body Mind Soul, the little shop with the big heart in downtown Atherton.
Onto the videos . . . in the last week or so, I have been sent a couple of fabulous videos, and so I thought I'd share them with YOU. The first one (many thanks to Karen, Mas, & Liz P, who all sent it to me) is a brilliant talk by a brain scientist who had a stroke and survived, called "My Stroke Of Insight" (click on the link to view). The subject might sound a bit boring, but her description of what she experienced is extremely captivating, and if you watch the first 5 minutes, you'll want to watch it to the end.
The other one (many thanks to Liz W) is called "The Shift" and it is both a wake-up call and an invitation to become a part of the shift in human consciousness that is sweeping the planet right now. Resist it or embrace it, but Heaven on this sweet earth is-a-coming, and the only real choice we have is how comfortable the ride down the rapids is going to be for each of us :) Enjoy . . . and In Lak'ech to YOU!
Mum's cough has just about gone now, and her Doctor told her today that the blood test she had yesterday indicated that she was going really well, and the blood tranfsusion, that he had thought she might have to have, is simply not needed at the moment. That was great news!
Me . . . well . . . I'm goin pretty well. I'm still able to take time out of the continuous 7 days a week schedule to nurture myself, and I get enough time to answer emails and update this Blog from time to time. I am now swimming three days a week in the local pool while Dad & Mum have their afternoon nap, and have made several new friends through a fortnightly DVD night and the recent co-hosting of "The Moses Code", held at Mystic Body Mind Soul, the little shop with the big heart in downtown Atherton.
Onto the videos . . . in the last week or so, I have been sent a couple of fabulous videos, and so I thought I'd share them with YOU. The first one (many thanks to Karen, Mas, & Liz P, who all sent it to me) is a brilliant talk by a brain scientist who had a stroke and survived, called "My Stroke Of Insight" (click on the link to view). The subject might sound a bit boring, but her description of what she experienced is extremely captivating, and if you watch the first 5 minutes, you'll want to watch it to the end.
The other one (many thanks to Liz W) is called "The Shift" and it is both a wake-up call and an invitation to become a part of the shift in human consciousness that is sweeping the planet right now. Resist it or embrace it, but Heaven on this sweet earth is-a-coming, and the only real choice we have is how comfortable the ride down the rapids is going to be for each of us :) Enjoy . . . and In Lak'ech to YOU!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A Cupla Things . . .
I have several things to mention in this update, so I'll be as brief as possible. The first is say that since the last update, Dad had a fall, and was rushed to hospital, but is now back home and doing pretty well. He is on medication to steady his heartbeat, and is now on a morphine patch to deal with the pain he is in most of the time. Mum is still battling a sinus/chest infection, but her coughing seems to be getting less and less every day.

Secondly, after serving them well for the last 22 years, the old TV set has finally been upgraded. I admit I advocated enthusiastically for this, as did my brother Phil who lives up here, because when the TV is a source for so much of their enjoyment C/- Andre Rieu DVDs and the like, then it makes perfect sense to ensure it did that job really well. Well, the new TV does that brilliantly, and they are both amazed at the quality of the picture and sound it provides. I can even plug my laptop into it and use it as a second (and very large) monitor :)

Thirdly, a few Victorian friends have asked where "Mon" came from, and if I did, in fact, like the nickname. Well, all my family, and most of my old friends in Queensland still call me Mon, and it goes way back to before I can remember. I'm told I chose the name for myself as a kid, and as I actually like the name, I will happily answer to Mon or John. The choice is yours LOL!
Fourthly, The Moses Code screening I co-hosted (with Sonia, manager of Mystic Body Mind Soul) here in Atherton went really well with 32 coming to watch the movie, and 30 of them staying for the peace in the Middle East meditation/vigil that was held after it. The screenings and meditations were synchronised all over the world on the same day, and it felt soooooo good to be a part of such a heart-filled activity. Oh, and if you're interested, there'e a link to the trailer of the movie down the right hand side of this page :)
Secondly, after serving them well for the last 22 years, the old TV set has finally been upgraded. I admit I advocated enthusiastically for this, as did my brother Phil who lives up here, because when the TV is a source for so much of their enjoyment C/- Andre Rieu DVDs and the like, then it makes perfect sense to ensure it did that job really well. Well, the new TV does that brilliantly, and they are both amazed at the quality of the picture and sound it provides. I can even plug my laptop into it and use it as a second (and very large) monitor :)
Thirdly, a few Victorian friends have asked where "Mon" came from, and if I did, in fact, like the nickname. Well, all my family, and most of my old friends in Queensland still call me Mon, and it goes way back to before I can remember. I'm told I chose the name for myself as a kid, and as I actually like the name, I will happily answer to Mon or John. The choice is yours LOL!
Fourthly, The Moses Code screening I co-hosted (with Sonia, manager of Mystic Body Mind Soul) here in Atherton went really well with 32 coming to watch the movie, and 30 of them staying for the peace in the Middle East meditation/vigil that was held after it. The screenings and meditations were synchronised all over the world on the same day, and it felt soooooo good to be a part of such a heart-filled activity. Oh, and if you're interested, there'e a link to the trailer of the movie down the right hand side of this page :)
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