Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm In Love . . .

Yep, I sure am . . . but more on that in a minute LOL! I just noticed it's almost been two months since the last update, and I can hardly believe it. Time seems to be moving soooooo quickly these days, but I'm also happy to say that it has been a case of "no news being good news", particularly in terms of Mum's health. She is cruising along really well, with very little discomfort in her world at all, despite still feeling pretty weak generally and still needing oxygen at times after she exerts herself a little. So all's good there :)

"Ok, ok, who is it that I'm in love with", I bet you've been wondering LOL! Well . . . let me tell you about her . . . she's beeeaautifullll!!!! . . . she's absolutely exquisite . . . she's just about as deep as they come . . . with a thirst-quenching cool clarity that sort of evokes inner peace and tranquility just being in her presence. She is truly a perfect example of the archetypal femminine . . . and she's a little bluey-green in colour too :) No . . . she's not Naytiri out of the movie Avatar, but rather . . . she's a lake . . . Lake Eacham, to be precise LOL! Had you going there, didn't I :)

It's funny, you know, she's been there, just 15 minutes away from Atherton, for all the two years I have lived here, but I never really saw her, nor appreciated how extraordinary she is. That was until a friend, Lesa, took me out there one day for a walk around her (3 km) followed by a very refreshing swim in her crystal clear waters. I remember thinking as I walked "Wow this track is so beautiful that I can even imagine jogging around it every now and then without finding the exercise boring", and later as we relaxed in the soothing water I knew there could be no better way to cool off after a run than to bathe in this water. It was literally only days later that I began to see this wonderful lady as regularly as possible, and begin to find myself "in love" with her :) Thankfully, getting away for a couple of hours in the afternoon works fine with Mum, so it's a win/win for everyone :)

Anyway, I went there one morning, and using my phone, I made a few videos of her to share with you. The first one (above) begins at the top (the right side looking at the lake) of the main swimming area at one end, and heads a little way up the circuit track that I jog on. The second one (below) begins at the left side looking at the lake above the main swimming area and moves down the boat ramp a little way before heading over to one of the entry points (into the water) of the main swimming area.

The third one, below, heads down a track to the left of the boat ramp to the pontoon, and you get to look back at the swimming area from there. One of my favourite things to do is to paddle a couple of hundred metres out into the middle of the lake on a noodle (one of those brightly coloured foam plastic flotation devices that look like a giant straw and work brilliantly in keeping my head above water without any effort on my part LOL!) and just take her all in. It's a very meditative, and relaxing, and calming, experience, and it fills me to overflowing with gratitude for just being right there, right then, in such a fabulously beautiful place.

So . . . if you have one of those "100 things to do before I die" lists, make sure you add a swim in Lake Eacham to it . . . 'cause it's definately something I'd love to share with YOU . . . sometime in our future :)