Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pre-Merry Christmas

First of all . . . M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S   E V E R Y O N E   ! ! !

Wowwww, this update is really overdue, but I didn't realize just how badly it was till just now (I haven't really wanted to look either LOL!). It's Christmas Day already!!! So although this is a Christmas day update, it will only have things that have happened UP until Christmas. I will do another update soon that will have a report on Christmas Day itself, OK (LOL!)

So . . . in terms of Mum's health, it has been a case of no news being good news, and that is a good thing. Yep, I am happy to report that she continues to cruise along quite able to deal with the pain that does seem to appear now and then in her right (amputated) leg without painkillers of any sort, by throwing it over the side of the bed and letting it hang there. Not totally sure why (though I think it might connected to her kidneys like the doctor does, and this action could open and stretch her abdomen, and allow any gravel there to pass more easily), but it works. :)

She occasionally cancels her weekly trip to the hairdresser due to lack of energy, but those times are quite rare, and she still won't have a TV in her bedroom where she spends most of the time, because she prefers listening to either ABC classical FM or the local ABC talkback radio, or reading. Crosswords seem to have passed by the wayside due to the collection of dictionaries she uses being too heavy to lift and open, and the need to use the internet more and more to find the answers to the clues because the dictionaries dont seem to have them any more, and her aversion to computers LOL! One of the highlights of her day is the board game we play each night. We have a few we can choose from, but we usually play Yatzee. I have to admit, she does have fun and is a better loser than me, but I am working on that. :)

Ok, thats the health report done . . . so now to share some of the more interesting things that have unfolded in my world in the last few months. Ok, it was my brother Phil's birthday on the 6th October, and we celebrated with a BBQ out at the farm. Shellie even went all out and got a professional cake made for the occasion . . . its not hard to guess what one of his favourite past times is . . .

Phil's Birthday Cake (click to enlarge)

Then, a little over a month later, we had another birthday cake for Alison's 81st birthday.

Alison's Birthday Cake (click to enlarge)

We celebrated that with her with a birthday dinner at the Tolga Hotel.

Alison's Birthday Dinner (click to enlarge)

Ok, moving ahead in time, we come to a visit definately worth mentioning. Mum really does like people visiting, and every year, one of Mum's close friends, Patsy Hannam gets together with her four sisters (Adler, pre-marriage), and they always come and visit Mum as part of their activities.

Mum With The Adler Sisters (click to enlarge)

And finally, I had to include a pic of a beautiful Golden Orb we have living on our downstairs verandah. She lost a leg sometime in her journey, but she is a real beauty. :)

Our friendly Golden Orb (click to enlarge)

Ok, thats is for this post. I didn't quite finish it before we headed out this morning for Christmas lunch at the farm (followed by the traditional waterfight with the backpackers from down Channel Road), and so I have had to do it after we returned from out fun-filled Christmas Day . . . but all that we got up to will be included in the next update, and I will do that when I get back from my two week holiday in Victoria. I fly down tomorrow (26th) and return on the 10th of January. Woooooo Hoooooo!!! Ciao for now . . .

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Andre Rieu And 81!

Greetings from torpical North Queensland :). Yes, an update is definately overdue, but I am happy to report that once again, in addition to my slackness, it has also been a case of no news being reasonably good news, when it comes to Mum's health. I say reasonably, 'cause generally, it (her health) has not been as good as it was in the last update. Her right (amputated) leg has been giving her more grief than the occasional annoyance, and has resulted in doctor's visits for the pain on a couple of occasions. He (her doctor) thinks the pain is being referred from her already weak kidneys, and the idea of grit/particles being eliminated from time to time causing the pain does seem to fit with the unpredictability and inconsistancy of the problem.

Sadly, it seems, in her case, that pretty well all medications with serious enough pain reducing capabilities to take the pain in her leg away, also muck (block) up her digestive system, and some, like the liquid morphine variety, result in her throwing up on and off for the whole next day after taking it, so she is often quite reluctant to take anything at all, which results in some nights of very little sleep as she sits up, dangles her leg over the bed, massages it, and does pretty well anything she can think of to ease the pain so she can get to sleep. Occasionally she gets me up in the early hours to heat up a wheat bag which seems to help at times.

But look, I don't what to give you the impressions that life is living hell for her, as it is far from it. The problem really is irregular, and seems to pop up out of nowhere, and no matter how many times Mum thinks she has worked out the problem and how to best deal with it, the next time it occurs always proves her wrong. If you spoke to her right now as I write, she would tell you she is great, because she has just had a pretty good week, and a wonderful 81st birthday (yesterday, 26th), and I am very pleased to be able to share a few pics that highlight this.

At The Andre Rieu Concert (click to enlarge)

I took the pic above on the first time since 2006 that Mum visited Babinda, the town where she and Dad lived for many years, and where my brothers and I grew up. It was also the first time she had been back there since losing her leg, and that fact did evoke some hesitation in her. But the occasion was an extremely positive and uplifting one, and any fear she may have been feeling was quickly melted away by the very nature of the visit.

You see, she had been invited by Dad's ex pharmacist business partner Fred Lizzio, who still runs the Munro Theatre in Babinda to watch (on Sunday 18th July) Andre Rieu (who always makes her feel wonderful) in a live-streamed concert from Maastricht in the Netherlands. Since being badly damaged in cyclone Larry, insurance payouts and government grants enabled the theatre to be repaired/upgraded with all the latest digital projection equipment, and it is now able to show movies in full 3D AND host live streaming events like this concert, via a satellite link.

On top of that, several friends new she was coming and came down to the theatre to see her before the show as well. From left, in the pic above, you can see her friend from Atherton, Meg, who had come with us at Mum's invitation, and then her Babinda friends May Jago to her left, Patsy and Chris Hannam behind her, and Betty and Wes Richardson to her right. Yep, I've written so much about the theatre, you'll probably have to scroll back up to see them . . . LOL! :)

Mum's Birthday Dinner (click to enlarge)

One Sunday later, on the 25th July (the day before her birthday) we took Mum to the International Club in Atherton for a birthday lunch. From the left, in the pic above, we see Phil, Simon, Doris, Alison, Shellie, Harley, who were all there to celebrate Mum's 81st birthday, and the birthday girl, herself. Yep, I'm not in it 'cause I took the photo LOL! Naturally, there was a birthday cake . . .

Mum's Birthday Cake (click to enlarge)

The following day was a really wonderful day for Mum, as she was inundated with flower deliveries, cards arriving in the mail, a visit from a past Babinda neighbour, Pam Schultz, who shared lunch with us (forgot to get a pic), and a seemingly endless number of phone calls, resulting in her only complaint for the day . . . her hand going numb from holding the phone for so much of it LOL! She wanted a pic of all the flowers and cards so I gathered them all together, and took this one . . .

Mum's Birthday Flowers And Cards (click to enlarge)

Well, that's it for this update. Did I forget anthing? Probably, but, you got the best of all that has unfolded up here at the Atherton Ackland's place since the last update, and so . . . until the next one . . . ciao :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Morning Rainbows

Morning rainbows are a great way to start the day . . . but more on them later, 'cause I want to begin with the usual health update. Mum is reasonably stable and relatively free from any sort of consistent suffering, though she is quite fragile, needs oxygen every now and then, and has had a few angina attacks recently after waking from scary dreams in which she is being chased. Her right leg (the amputated one) was very painful for some reason last Sunday night (30th May), so she had a dose of Ordine (liquid morphine) to ease it (and so had a great sleep as well), but then the next day (Monday 31st) she vomited several times throughout the day as her body attempted to get rid of the morphine.

The same thing used to happen for the first few days of going on, or increasing, her pain patches, as the body is simply not used to it, and so like a lot of the drugs she takes, it always seems to always be a case of weighing up the pros and cons (side effects) of each of them. I put an anti-itch lotion (Animine lotion, with 1% menthol added by the chemist – an old recipe that Dad used to have made up for himself) on her back every night to ease an itchiness which we presume is a side effect of one of the drugs. It always gets worse whenever she goes onto a course of antibiotics for bladder infections, or the like, which happens from time to time.

Still, her suffering is a lot less than when I first came up here, when she had painful ulcers on her remaining foot and was on pain patches to deal with that, and she still has plenty to live for with an abundance of love of friends and family in her world, and lots of interesting conversations/topics on the ABC radio. She does need to rest for a lot of the time, but refuses to have a TV in her bedroom, and she still enjoys getting her hair washed and set at her hairdressers most Wednesday mornings.

Whenever I take her to the doctors for a warfarin level blood test, she also enjoys going for a coffee at the local coffee shop after it, and then to check out if Millers (a dress shop next door to the coffee shop) have any new items of clothing she might like. She even buys some occasionally. Ok, now on to some of the interesting things in our world since the last update. One was a visit by one of Mum's old (yes, old as in age, but also in terms of length of time they have been friends LOL!) friends, Pauline Gilbey (below, with Mum) the Saturday before last (22nd May).

Mum with her friend Pauline Gilbey (click to enlarge)

On the afternoon of the same day, we went out to the farm (for a few hours anyway) for a "Boob's Off" party. My brother Phil's wife Shellie goes into hospital tomorrow (2nd June) for an operation to have her second breast removed after the first was removed last year due to breast cancer, and this party was one of the ways she is dealing with the loss . . . sort of looking it square in the eye, not hiding the problem away somewhere, and making as light of the situation as possible. As you can see (below) she had a little help with this . . .

Shellie (second from left) at her

There was even a beautifully made & iced cake made for the occasion . . .


The following day (Sunday 23rd), I took Mum out to the 80th birthday party of another of her friends Lorna Jackson, who is the wife of an old (as in from a long time ago) boyfriend of hers, George. Mum is the one in the wheelchair on the right in the pic below, and you can just see George over to the left reading out the tribute he had written for Lorna to celebrate her birthday . . .

Mum at Lorna Jackson's birthday party (click to enlarge)

Speaking of birthdays, Shellie had hers last Friday (28th May) and Mum and I took her, and her mum Alison, and her friend Paula, and her son Harley, and DJ, Harley's friend, to a birthday lunch at the International Club the following day. Phil was working and couldn't make it, but everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the company.

And now finally . . . I get to the morning rainbows. Mum's room gets sunlight in the morning, so I have hung my faceted crystal ball in there near the dooray to catch the sunlight as it streams in in the morning and do what it does best - refract it into the room and create little rainbows all over the walls and ceiling. I took a quick video of them one morning, and here it is . . .

And one last thing . . . for those who did not see the winner of the European Song Contest, it's Lena, representing Germany, with "Satellite". It's a bit of a crazy/quirky love song, but this 19 year old German girl sings in English and has the weirdest accent. It's kinda cute, and probably was that "X" factor that resulted in her winning the competition. Enjoy . . . and blessings to all . . .

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm In Love . . .

Yep, I sure am . . . but more on that in a minute LOL! I just noticed it's almost been two months since the last update, and I can hardly believe it. Time seems to be moving soooooo quickly these days, but I'm also happy to say that it has been a case of "no news being good news", particularly in terms of Mum's health. She is cruising along really well, with very little discomfort in her world at all, despite still feeling pretty weak generally and still needing oxygen at times after she exerts herself a little. So all's good there :)

"Ok, ok, who is it that I'm in love with", I bet you've been wondering LOL! Well . . . let me tell you about her . . . she's beeeaautifullll!!!! . . . she's absolutely exquisite . . . she's just about as deep as they come . . . with a thirst-quenching cool clarity that sort of evokes inner peace and tranquility just being in her presence. She is truly a perfect example of the archetypal femminine . . . and she's a little bluey-green in colour too :) No . . . she's not Naytiri out of the movie Avatar, but rather . . . she's a lake . . . Lake Eacham, to be precise LOL! Had you going there, didn't I :)

It's funny, you know, she's been there, just 15 minutes away from Atherton, for all the two years I have lived here, but I never really saw her, nor appreciated how extraordinary she is. That was until a friend, Lesa, took me out there one day for a walk around her (3 km) followed by a very refreshing swim in her crystal clear waters. I remember thinking as I walked "Wow this track is so beautiful that I can even imagine jogging around it every now and then without finding the exercise boring", and later as we relaxed in the soothing water I knew there could be no better way to cool off after a run than to bathe in this water. It was literally only days later that I began to see this wonderful lady as regularly as possible, and begin to find myself "in love" with her :) Thankfully, getting away for a couple of hours in the afternoon works fine with Mum, so it's a win/win for everyone :)

Anyway, I went there one morning, and using my phone, I made a few videos of her to share with you. The first one (above) begins at the top (the right side looking at the lake) of the main swimming area at one end, and heads a little way up the circuit track that I jog on. The second one (below) begins at the left side looking at the lake above the main swimming area and moves down the boat ramp a little way before heading over to one of the entry points (into the water) of the main swimming area.

The third one, below, heads down a track to the left of the boat ramp to the pontoon, and you get to look back at the swimming area from there. One of my favourite things to do is to paddle a couple of hundred metres out into the middle of the lake on a noodle (one of those brightly coloured foam plastic flotation devices that look like a giant straw and work brilliantly in keeping my head above water without any effort on my part LOL!) and just take her all in. It's a very meditative, and relaxing, and calming, experience, and it fills me to overflowing with gratitude for just being right there, right then, in such a fabulously beautiful place.

So . . . if you have one of those "100 things to do before I die" lists, make sure you add a swim in Lake Eacham to it . . . 'cause it's definately something I'd love to share with YOU . . . sometime in our future :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Green Again :)

Well, an update is definately due, but there is not a huge amount to share, due to things cruising along pretty smoothly all round. But firstly, 'cause I have not done it yet, I want to wish each and every one of you the most fabulous Twenty Ten imaginable. May you be filled to overflowing with unconditional love for yourself & others, and may you be blessed with everything you would like to experience here in 3D . . . and more :)

I know we (North Queensland) have been in the news a bit with two cyclones dancing around each other, then with each other, then around each other once more before transforming into rain depressions pouring copious quantities of H2O onto the land, and keeping the weather forcasters on their toes, but honestly, Atherton has not really felt much of them at all, and it has felt no different to any other wet season to me. On the positive side, EVERYTHING IS GREEN AGAIN! Woooooo hoooooo LOL!

Healthwise, Mum is fairly stable, and her complaints (headaches every now and then, and her amputated leg playing up from time to time), have been well outweighed by her enjoyment of life here in 3D. The 12th of January (the anniversary of Dad leaving his body) did bring up memories and provided an opportunity to grieve his passing a bit more, and at Mum's request we submitted an "In Memoriam" classified into the Cairns post, which I have included here . . .

Dad's Memoriam Classified (click to enlarge)

One highlight since the last update was the Hannam's & Moore's visit. Here they are with Mum below, and Mum got to meet Maximo Moore for the first time. Maximo is the one biting furiously on her Mum Rosie's finger (teething no doubt). Peeking around between Rosie & Rosie's husband, Tom (Moore) is Rosie's Mum, Patsy, with her husband Chris (Hannam) looming happily (he does enjoy being a grandfather) above. Now was that confusing, or what LOL! Hopefully not too much so :)

Mum & The Hannams/Moores (click to enlarge)

And thats about it for this update. Thanks for reading . . . you make submitting updates worthwhile LOL! And thanks for being you, cause this world would simply not be the same without you in it :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

2012 Enigma: Blueprints For A Golden Age

For those of you who have not heard me speak of this before, we (all of humanity) are about to experience an unprecedented shift in consciousness. Despite the passion, enthusiasm, and gratitude with which I usually celebrate and share the news of this shift, few are able to express the enormity of it as eloquently as David Wilcock, and when I recently found this video of him sharing just a little of what it will entail, it was immediately a "must share" for me . . . so here it is.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lotsa Things

OK, I have lots of pics (and a video) to share in this update, but I'll start with a quick health report. I say quick, 'cause Mum is going pretty well and there is not much to say really. Her leg seems to be gradually improving, and its hard to know if its due to the new medication she is on to help improve leg circulation, or the Tiger Balm massage I give it each night . . . or maybe even the growls and other non-verbal utterances I encourage her to make as I gradually massage a little deeper as well. If the underlying cause of the problem (as many new age thinkers believe) was too many years of stuffing feelings down into her legs, then she is definitely un-stuffing quite well LOL!

OK, where do I start . . . how about with the video. It will mean that the rest will not be in chronological order, but I'm sure that will not be too confusing for anyone :) OK, this video is a minute or so of Christmas lunch out at Phil & Shellie's (my brother & sister-in-law) place. They had invited several families to join the party, and had somehow managed to fit us all in happily seated around a long table winding from their kitchen into their lounge room. Shellie's home made bon-bons (custom made for each of us) were a hit, and, despite the heat, it was a very enjoyable occasion.

And seeing as I am on Christmas day, I may as well share the pics from then as well. I mentioned Shellie's custom made bon-bons . . . well here's what Mum found in hers . . . a massive diamond ring! I found a little rainbow slinky in mine, so much gratitude to you Phil & Shellie . . .

Mum's new diamond ring (click to enlarge)

Also worth a pic and a mention was Alison's (Shellie's mum) trifle. Now doesn't that look delicious . . . mmmmmmmmmmm . . . much gratitude to you, Alison . . .

Alison's trifle (click to enlarge)

Still on the Christmas theme, and here are some of Mum's Christmas Cards. I had strung up two strands of cord from one side of her room to the other to hang them all on, but it simply wasn't enough to handle them all, and we ended up with pretty well two layers of cards on the top cord LOL! She finds the writing and sending them all a bit tiring, but receiving, opening, reading, and sharing a little in the lives of all those who send them to her makes it all worthwhile :) Much gratitude to all who bless Mums life with your cards . . .

Mum's Christmas cards (click to enlarge)

OK, I want to jump back in time a little, to when I went and stayed overnight at some friends of mine outside of Ravenshoe, Bob & Cheryl Matthews. It was while my brother Peter came up to help out when I had injured my shoulder. I know it was only one night away, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and Bob did take me down to their creek before heading for home the next day. Now this creek is important, because Bob has been dropping off water for Mum & I for about a year now, and this is where it comes from. It comes out of the mountains untouched by sprays and stuff like that, and we are very grateful to have such water to drink every day.

Without going into the whole story, I began to "put out" for a source of really good living water after watching the DVD "Water The Great Mystery" and becoming more aware of the difference between H2O and H2O, where despite both being H2O, water also has a memory and a structure, and water that is treated and chlorinated and fluridated, etc, to death and pumped out through kilometers of metal pipes into our homes, is actually VERY different to water that dances and bubbles over rocks down a mountain stream and is simply alive and energizing . . . and it's not rocket science to work out which is the best water for us LOL! And so, after a conversation about the DVD and the nature of water with Bob one day, it turned out he was happy to bring containers of it with him whenever he came into Atherton and drop them off right at our door.

How blessed are we!!! I took this pic of Bob at the creek. Despite it being the lowest it has been for many years due to a bit of a drought up here on the Tablelands, it was still great to see where it comes from, and appreciate the gift that it is in our lives :) Much gratitude to you, Bob & Cheryl . . .

Bob at the creek (click to enlarge)

Here's a pretty amazing story, and as it has a touch of the miraculous, I thought it was worth sharing. I was working in the kitchen on lunch one morning quite recently, and when I opened the fridge door to get something, out flew this little dragon fly! LOL! I have no idea how he got in there, but I think it took him a little while to warm up (or maybe he just liked me), as I was easily able to coax him onto my land when he landed and take him outside, where he sat there for ages before he flew off. Long enough to pull out my phone and take this pic. He was sooooooo beautiful, and made that morning extra special for me. Much gratitude to you, my little dragonfly friend . . .

My little dragonfly friend (click to enlarge)

Almost done :) I did want to share these pics of Sonia's farewell. Sonia is one of the first friends I made up here, and if you have been following this Blog from the beginning might remember me mentioning her way back in one of the first updates, as she was the manager of Mystic Body Mind Soul, the local "new age" shop, that hosted a fortnightly DVD night, and played such a big part in me connecting with most of the like-mined people living in this neck of the woods. Anyway, Sonia had an on-going battle with depression, and took her own life just before Christmas. On Sunday (3rd January), family and friends gathered at Lake Tinaroo, a place she loved to spend time at, to say our goodbyes. The top half of the pic is where friends and family laughed and cried and shared memories of Sonia, and the bottom is of the lake shore where we walked to see her ashes scattered into the water she loved so much, and throw flowers for her into the water. Much gratitude to you Sonia, and for the irreplaceable role you played in my unfolding . . .

Sonia's farewell (click to enlarge)

Later that same day, I got a call from an old friend Loren who was driving through Atherton and hoping to catch up, so I went and spent some time with her and her family in a local park. I took the extra fruity fruitcake I had bought for Christmas (but that Mum didn't like), hoping they would take it with them (or at least eat some of it), but sadly, I missed out on both counts, and it's still sitting on the bench downstairs waiting for someone to take it home. Anyway, here's a pic of Loren and her family (and I hope the names are spelled right) . . . Matthew and Stephen from the left at the top, then Tracy-Lynne, Loren, and her husband Michael from the left at the bottom. Much gratitude to all the MacKellar family for sharing your picnic blanket, great stories, and wonderful smiles with me . . .

The MacKellars (click to enlarge)

That's it . . . we made it to the end, and as it seems like this turned into a bit of a gratitude thing, then I reckon it's fitting to say "Much gratitude to YOU too, my friends", for being YOU so perfectly in my world, and for all the love and positive energy you send our way. Blessings, and In Lak'ech to you and everyone and everything in your world . . .